Meet Simone
Simone was born in Milan, Italy and grew up in Bergamo. He moved to the UK for his undergraduate studies and obtained a Master’s degree in Materials Chemistry from the University of St Andrews with a year-long industrial placement at Diamond Light Source, the UK’s national synchrotron facility. After a summer internship in the group of Prof S. E. Wheeler at UGA, he joined the Laboratory for Computational Molecular Design of Prof C. Corminboeuf at EPFL, Switzerland. In 2023, he obtained his PhD on the development of data-driven computational tools for organocatalysis. He was then awarded a Postdoc.Mobility grant by the Swiss Science National Foundation to carry out postdoctoral research with the Sigman Lab at the University of Utah and the Doyle Lab at UCLA. Simone loves hiking, snowboarding, theatre, Disney Villains, and choosing what to wear. His current biggest hobby is performing aerial arts.
simone.gallarati ‘at’ chem.ucla.edu (He|him|his)