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So far jamie has created 205 blog entries.

Ni-Catalyzed Carbon-Carbon Bond-Forming Reductive Amination

Ni-Catalyzed Carbon-Carbon Bond-Forming Reductive Amination. Christoph and Patrick’s work was published in JACS in collaboration with Bristol-Myers Squibb! Tremendous!

Ni-Catalyzed Carbon-Carbon Bond-Forming Reductive Amination2022-12-30T23:13:35-08:00

Congratulations Christoph!

Christoph has secured a position at Bayer in Germany as a senior scientist! You will do great things and we will miss you Christoph!

Congratulations Christoph!2022-12-30T23:22:22-08:00

Welcome First Years!

We are excited to have five new first year graduate students join the Doyle Group this year! Welcome to Abby Road, Sam, Stavros, John, Alyssa, and Stephen!

Welcome First Years!2022-12-30T23:26:50-08:00

Welcome Nacho!

Nacho comes to us from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and will be working in the Doyle lab for the summer. We’re excited to have you with us-Welcome Nacho!

Welcome Nacho!2022-12-30T23:28:07-08:00

Pickering Teaching Awards for Mia and Eric

In recognition of their outstanding teaching Mia and Eric were presented with Pickering Teaching Awards! Congratulations! Keep up the great work!

Pickering Teaching Awards for Mia and Eric2022-12-30T23:26:17-08:00

Congratulations Brian!

Although we were sad for Brian to depart the Doyle lab, we are happy that he secured a position as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Saint Louis University. Congratulations Brian! You will make a great professor and we look forward to seeing you again at a conference in the future.

Congratulations Brian!2022-12-30T23:22:55-08:00

Patrick Lutz, PhD

Patrick successfully defended his thesis! He will be conducting postdoctoral research at the University of Michigan in the lab of Professor Anne McNeil. Best of luck Patrick! You will be missed!

Patrick Lutz, PhD2022-12-30T23:20:47-08:00

Derek Ahneman, PhD

Derek successfully defended his thesis! He will be applying his expertise at IBM based in Maryland as an advanced analytics data scientist! Congratulations Derek on a well-deserved degree and best of luck to you as you begin your new job!

Derek Ahneman, PhD2022-12-30T23:21:14-08:00
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