Welcome, Dennis
Welcome, Dennis. Dennis Huang joins the group.
Welcome, Dennis. Dennis Huang joins the group.
In the new building. The lab moves to the New Chemistry Building! See pictures for our new space.
Welcome, Travis and Jason. Travis Shaw and Jason Shields join the group.
Award for Dan. Dan receives the Pickering Teaching Award. Congratulations!
Welcome, postdoc Kevin. Kevin joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow.
Donation from Pfizer and Bracco. The lab acquired a fortune of glassware and consumables courtesy of Pfizer and Bracco’s donation. Thank you!
Enantioselective fluorination of epoxides. Julia’s paper on the first catalytic method for enantioselective nucleophilic fluorination was accepted for publication in JACS. (featured in top most downloaded articles section for month of February)
Dan’s Generals. Dan passed the general exam with distinction!
BMS Fellowship for Julia. Congratulations to Julia, who has won a BMS summer fellowship.
Lilly fellowship for Matt. Congratulations to Matt, who has won a Eli Lilly graduate fellowship for the spring.