First general exams
First general exams. Julia and Matt passed their general exams! Well done!
First general exams. Julia and Matt passed their general exams! Well done!
Another new student. Tom Graham joins the group.
Our second class. Allen Sha joins the group.
Fellowship for Dan. Congratulations to Dan, who has received the George B. Rathmann 51 Graduate Fellowship in Chemistry!
ACS PRF grant. The lab is awarded a grant from the ACS Petroleum Research Fund. Congratulations to all!
New building tour. The group has been busy in and outside of lab. Check out the new pictures, including those from a tour of the new chemistry building!
First postdoc. Sangeeta Dey joins the group as our first postdoc.
sanofi-aventis award. Abby receives a sanofi-aventis New Faculty Award.
More students. Roger Swartz and Jae Kim join the group.
Eli Lilly award. Abby receives an Eli Lilly New Faculty Award.